A Corner of Home Josh Greet


Josh Greet

Published 7 April, 2020


In the days that have passed and the days that are to come, we'll all be spending more time indoors. A Corner of Home collects photographic studies and new works made by artists in their immediate environments; small snapshots of the impulse to create.

Edited by Trine Stephensen and Joanna Cresswell   

1. Where are you living at the moment and how has that environment shaped you creatively? Can you tell us about a favourite detail of this place and why? 

Josh Greet: I am currently living in London, just off Holloway road. It's been interesting to watch one of the busiest roads in London gradually transform into a ghost town other than ambulances and queues for shops. I have been working from home for the past three weeks now and have been photographing pre and during the lockdown. Currently, my favourite things in my house to use in photographs are my yellow velvet bedroom curtains, my wife and my two black cats, but I am focusing more on London as my home. 

2. How have you looked at the materials of home differently in the past weeks? Are there parts of it that have revealed themselves to you in new ways?

I have gradually rebuilt a routine for myself to stop me slipping into an unproductive state. I am currently going on a bike ride every morning for one to two hours with a camera and turning around an edit in the same day. The series is called "Allotted Exercise". This is the most frequently I have ever taken pictures. I normally have a few shoots a week if I'm lucky but now I am actually taking pictures every day! Also, I am usually only shooting people (other than a rare still life shoot). I feel like I have been taken back to when I first started photography and would wander around with a camera learning how to take photographs. 

I am still working for a creative agency called the Midnight Club so still do some other work besides shooting the pandemic but they are happy to support me making work and they are using selected bits in their own content including a weekly zine. 

3. Tell us about how you’ve been using photography lately? What are you making or putting in front of the lens?

I am mainly focusing on things that have changed over the past few weeks in London. I am specifically interested in the things that we have been putting in place like makeshift signs that have been put up or the closing off of public sporting facilities. I saw two people taking down all the basketball hoops in a court on Monday which made things really feel like we are in this for the long run. I am also seeing positive messages and rainbows in windows which make me feel a bit more optimistic.


Thank you Josh!

